
Best of 1

MTG Mechanic

Phyrexians are invading the whole Multiverse at once, and March of the Machine is representing that with battle cards, a new type of permanent card that can be attacked, like planeswalkers. The battles in this set are all Sieges, the first battle subtype.

Best of 1

Newest Cards with Batallas

Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back

Standard Decks with Batallas cards