
Al meglio di 1

MTG Mechanic

Convoke allows you to tap your creatures rather than pay for some or all of the mana normally required to cast the spell. Each creature pays for one mana of its color or for one generic mana if it doesn't match any the spell's colors. If you tap a multicolored creature, you can choose which cost it's covering.

Al meglio di 1

Newest Cards with Convoke

Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back
Magic the Gathering Arena card back

Standard Decks with Convoke cards