Your MTG Arena Companion

Download the Companion to access the best MTGA deck tracker, draft helper and personal statistics to unleash your potential.
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The Companion overlay and features in Magic the Gathering: Arena

Know everything worth knowing

Knowledge based on data. Not opinions.

Kenne deine Karten

Plan your every move with easy access to your decklist
Cards left in your deck and chance to draw each card

Kenne deine Länder

View the number of lands in play, untapped and your odds of drawing new ones
Land Overview popup showing in the game with Chance to Draw, Available to Play and Total in Play

Kenne deinen Gegner

Never forget which cards your opponent has already played and anticipate their next move
An overlay showing the opponent's deck based on the cards they played in the match

Einführung von Draftsmith

Deine neue Geheimwaffe

Card Commentary by the Best

Detailed commentary by ChannelFireball on each card offered in a pack
Draft ratings superimposed on the MTGA draft screen, showing ChannelFireball scores for each individual card

Wähle immer die beste Karte

Draftsmith analyzes millions of limited games to create ratings for each card during a draft. Ratings adapt based on the cards you have already chosen
Draftsmith showing dynamic ratings below cards in the MTGA draft screen, adjusted for your deck

Baue immer das beste Deck

After the draft or after opening your sealed packs, Draftsmith recommends an optimal deck based on the cards you’ve picked/opened.
Draftsmith showing an overlay in the draft screen offering decks that can be built from the cards

Website Features

See MTGA in a whole new way

Erfasse deine Statistiken

Visualize your game data like never before with features like ladder progression charts, deck performance data, matchup statistics and more
An profile with a deck list and how the ladder rank developed during the season

Vervollständige deine Sammlung

See detailed statistics about your MTGA card collection - see how many cards of each colour, set and rarity you have collected
An profile showing the completion progress for the different MTGA card sets

Finde das perfekte Deck

Thousands of decks, with winrate data sourced from millions of games. Find decks you can build with your collection or see what cards you are missing. Every deck in MTG Arena is waiting for you here showing a list of powerful decks that can be built with the collection that was uploaded by the companion
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The power of knowledge awaits you. empowers you with the tools to take your game to the next level.
Reached Mythic27k+
Analysierte Partien150m+